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Why doesn't the Prime Minister speak up?

A human rights crisis has emerged in the Ukraine. One after another, the institutions and Member States of the European Union have spoken up against violence and in the defence of democracy but the leaders of the Hungarian administration keep deep silence. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has sent a letter to Viktor Orbán calling him as the responsible head of the Hungarian Government to stand up against the authoritarianism and violence from the part of the state in the neighbouring Ukraine and to offer mediation services to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the crisis as soon as possible.

International Civil Liberties Organisations’ Statement on Dragnet U.S. Government Surveillance Program

DUBLIN / LONDON / NEW YORK – In response to revelations that a U.S. government program known as “PRISM” gives the United States National Security Agency unprecedented access to the servers of major technology companies, an international group of Civil Liberties Organisations issued the following joint statement:

Bulgaria: On the Dark Side of Drug Policy

The government plans to introduce harsher penalties against drug offenders in Bulgaria - watch our movie and sign the petition!