Anomalies or errors in the matrix

Here you can read two of the most funniest stories of HCLU. National Security Officers as postmen? Post-execution? Agent Smith from the feature Matrix would just sway his head, how many software-errors are in the system...

1. HCLU, as a curious and committed organization for the freedom of information has recently asked the Prime Minister’s Office in an official letter for public interest data, what is the state of the Secrecy Act’s draft.

Listen, everybody, Prime Minister’s Office, Secrecy Act.

Within the legal deadline we had no answer denying the account of public interest data, so we were all agog to see what will happen in Secrecy Act-case…Two weeks after posting the letter to them, the doorbell rang in HCLU’s office, and it said: National Security Office (NSO). At this moment there were no more staff in the office, only wholehearted legal-aide girls and women, who had attested for an HCLU-stamp and the Constitution, that no NSO-staff members can let in the HCLU’s office. The two dark-coat wearing agents of NSO had shown their ID and announced: they had taken the answer in the case of Secrecy Act.

It’s funny, isn’t it? Two NSO-staff members like postmen. From that time we all are thinking on why the Prime Minister’s Office has laid this charge (delivery of their answer) on NSO (these two offices has officially little do with each other), and is it good, that two well-educated staff-members of NSO work as postmen? Although if we think again, who can be better in Secrecy-case than NSO-staff? It is too bad, that we didn’t ask them, but Prime Minister’s Office.

2. What we think about the Supreme Court’s review- decision and the whole process according the legal action of HCLU vs. Hungarian Official Journal Publisher (HOJP), we have written last week. We knew that media is authority, but we haven’t thought that is such a big one…. In our article in Élet és Irodalom was an absolutely true paragraph, which says: ’HCLU was rely this time as well on that the execution process will be successful. It wasn’t. The review-petition doesn’t take effect on postponement for fulfillment of the final judgments in Hungary. HCLU representatives are ignorant of being in this case in another way, or that the HOJP has asked for the postponement of the execution, but the time from March 2006 to October 2006 wasn’t enough to begin the execution of HOJP.’

How guilty is the soul of a legal aide…We can be able to suppose, that only the fact that we asked for an execution against one of the firm of Prime Minister’s Office, can be make slower the affair. But according to all indications, it can’t, or maybe it can make it faster, true maybe posterior…We got a letter from the Court on 7th December, wherein they informed us of that they disciplined HOJP for paying 250.000. HUF at 2nd November, because they didn’t achieved the final judgment. Oh, it is so good.

It is too bad, that on 2nd November already one month earlier, on 4th October the decision of the Supreme Court was made, that we are rather not allowed to get the data, and on 16th October the Court of the Capital has known about it, moreover, HCLU knew it as well, but the Pest Central Court’s staff members who were working on the execution, did not know this fact. But the biggest pity is that the article was published on 1st of December, and the letter about the fee was posted only on 4th of December.

But maybe we are paranoid, and we think groundless, that after our article they should be represented the never inflicted fee represent as an inflicted fee. The time from 2nd November and 7th December is not so many, and the office of the Pest Central Court and the office of HCLU is not enough close to each other…It is absolutely no sure that Tortoise Shell from Doctor Bubo, the Hungarian tale, could take the 5 tram stops within 5 weeks….

But, if we think it again, the court could have asked for the postmen of NSO.



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