Beyond 2008 - Press conference in Budapest

Press conference on the UNGASS drug review in Budapest

Dr. István Bayer, professor of pharmacology, who represented Hungary at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs for 12 years, Eva Tounge, the president of the Vienna NGO Committee, and Peter Sarosi, the Drug Policy Director of HCLU spoke about the review of the implementation of the goals adopted at the UNGASS on drugs in 1998 - from a non-governmental point of view.

We filmed the presentations and formed a short movie:

Recommended sites on the UNGASS review:

Beyond 2008

IDCP's website

TNI's blog on UNGASS

IHRA's HR2 blog

Posted by Péter Sárosi

Note: If you would like to comment on this piece, please go to the mirror site on our Drugpolicy page here.


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