Civil Organizations Address State Dignitaries on the Crisis in Tibet

Last week’s events have shaken the common opinion of the public’s conscience. The Tibet Support Association, Protect the Future, the Hungarian Young Greens and the HCLU believes in Hungary having the responsibility of standing up in this matter. Read our letter!

dr. László Sólyom, President of the Republic of Hungary
Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
dr. Katalin Szili, Speaker of the National Assembly
Zoltán Balog, Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights, Minorities, Civil and Religious Affairs of the Hungarian Parliament

March 31st, 2008 Dear Mr.President, Dear Mr.Prime Minister, Dear Ms.Speaker of the House and Dear


The Chinese conquest half a century ago and the communist oppression following in its wake has been aimed at eliminating Tibet’s autonomy, its natural and cultural heritage. Not even the capitalist advancement of China stands in the way of violence. Now, Beijing is again brushing aside internationaly accepted fundamental human rights norms and is treading on a people’s political freedoms and their religious and cultural autonomy.

Tibet has a unique culture. Tibetian mentality, based on buddhist ethics is important and valuable to mankind. By crippling this, the Chinese authority is destroying not only our world’s heritage, but the heritage of future generations to come.

Last week’s events have shaken the common opinion of public’s conscience. We believe Hungary has a responsibility to stand up in this matter. A democratic state cannot rank moral issues below finacial and commercial considerations. It is also the constitutional duty of the Hungarian foreign affairs bodies to consistently stand up for the defense of national and ethnic minorities at all international forums.

Us, Hungarians cannot detach ourselves from the suffering of Tibet’s people. Not long after the 1956 revolution in Hungary, their thirst for freedom was squashed in the same bloody manner, but they are still living by this.

Due to the above reasons, we kindly request that you:

- condemn the Chinese government’s human rights abuses at all political, economic, sport, cultural and diplomatic relations with China

- initiate the deployment of UN observers to territories populated by Tibetians, but under Chinese rule at all international forums.

Unless the Chinese government takes steps in order to resolve this crisis in a way acceptable to both parties, we request that you keep from attending the Opening Cermony of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and all events not directly connected to sports.


Tibet Support Association
Protect the Future
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
Hungarian Young Greens



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