Invitation to Press Conference

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Society on Addictions (MAT) cordially invites you to their joint press conference on the amendment of the Penal Code’s paragraphs relating to drugs.


The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Society on Addictions cordially invites you to their joint press conference on the amendment of the Penal Code’s paragraphs relating to drugs.

The HCLU and MAT have turned to the public because:

-in accordance with the 1/2007. decision of the Supreme Court, simple drug users are in the danger of being sentenced to serve serious jail terms (they are sentenced according to the added sum of drugs taken in the past);

-the draft, prepared by Ágnes Frech, President of the Capital Court’s Criminal College and supported by a wide range of professionals of the field, carries a solution to this problem.

Even though new amendments have been introduced by almost all governements since 1989, none were successfull in reassuringly adopting the law in accordance with constitutional normatives, public health aspects and European legal harmonization requirements. It is our opinion, that the draft offers a solution to problems which deeply divide decision-makers, politicians and representatives of civil society.

The draft will be presented to the public for the first time by HCLU staff and representatives of the profession during the press conference. Results of the public survey, conducted to study the attitudes of society on drug related issues will also be made public.

The press conference will be held by:

Balázs Dénes, President of the HCLU
Ildikó Ritter, Criminologist
Péter Sárosi, Head of HCLU’s Drug Policy Program
Ákos Topolánszky, Member of the Board, MAT

1084, Budapest, Víg u. 28. I.em.3.
Date and time:
11:00 am, January 22nd, 2008



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