Position of the Association of Hungarian Content Providers (AHCP) Regarding Statements Made On-air on TV2 with Regard to the Sex

On the morning of June 8th, 2007, journalist Henrik Havas proved not only to be uninformed, unaware and incomprehensive, but was also preposterous, discourteous and prejudiced.

The host of TV2's 'Mokka' morning show had, in more than half of the nine minute interview voiced solely his own opinion, and did not allow for the invited guests to speak. Invited attorneys and representatives of the HCLU, Andrea Pelle and András Schiffer were dumbfounded to find that Havas did not care for the reason for the invitation, which was the 'Declaration of Solidarity for the Sexually Assaulted Young Woman'. Instead, he used this time to voice his own prejudiced and in this case, misconceived opinions. It is the HCLU's opinion that Henrik Havas breached the requirements of the media ethics code. The journalist insulted his guests and the personal rights and moral integrity of all sexually assaulted women. The HCLU has turned to the Association of Hungarian Content Providers for their position on the matter. Read their statement!

Position of the AHCP with regard to the interview on the morning show 'Mokka' on the judgment of the media ethics code.

The HCLU asked the AHCP to give their position on the interview that took place on the television show 'Mokka'. The show was broadcasted on TV2 on June 8th, 2007 at 7:06am.

The AHCP's Position

1. The AHCP's media ethics code states that 'content providers and makers shall conduct themselves with good manners on-air and personally as well. With those whom they come into contact with during content-making shall be treated courteously and with respect, independent of that person's social position, and his/her role in the respected content' and 'are also obligated to communicate in a courteous and socially acceptable manner with all public figures'.

Henrik Havas did not abide by these rules on numerous counts. He did not listen to his guests' opinion and in the course of doing so has also deprived his viewers of the possibility of hearing thieir opinions, furthermore, he has continously called upon his guests to revoke their opinion. Instead, he used the interview to voice his own thoughts. The main goal of an interview is to have guests provide their opinions. According to AHCP, Henrik Havas did not meet this requirement. Henrik Havas also offended the principal of remaining impartial and as an interviewer has taken sides in a controversial matter.

2. According to the position of the AHCP that Havas, while voicing his own opinion has offended sexual abuse victims on numerous occassions. By suggesting false accusation directly in this matter, he has offended the victims' personal rights which, besides being regulated by law, is also strictly forbidden by the AHCP's Content Code. In cases of criminal prosecution, not just the defendant, but the victim is also entitled to the protection of personal rights. Journalists have to pay attention to respecting the personal rights of victims of accidents, catastrophies and crimes with extra attention to victims of sexual abuse. According to the AHCP's opinion, Henrik Havas did not meet this requirement.

It is the AHCP's opinion that Henrik Havas, during the nine minute interview has, on numerous occassions, insulted his guests and offended the journalist's ethics code.

Budapest, June 28th, 2007
Association of Hungarian Content


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