The HCLU and the Hemp Seed Association have initiated proceedings in the matter of the thwart during the Million Marijuana March

On May 13th, 2007 five demonstrations, national legalization rallies organized by the Hemp Seed Association were held in Hungary as part of the International Million Marijuana March event-series.

The Million Marijuana March demonstrations went smoother than in the past years, except in Debrecen, where even though the police have acknowledged the rally, the local government, at the last moment, did not consent to the event-stage being set-up. The demonstration in Debrecen was finally thwarted by 6-8 people, equipped with shovels and sticks while the police passively stood by.
Szabolcs Juhász, who has notified of the demonstration, and the HCLU which is reprensenting him and the Hemp Seed Association ( Kendermag Egyesület ) have reported the trouble-makers and the police and have initiated proceedings against the unlawful and unconstitutional local government order.

The persons who have thwarted the event have violated the attendees right to assembly, which in itself is considered a crime, but their conduct has also given grounds to suspicion of breach of peace, physical abuse and truculency. On May 21st, 2007 the HCLU along with the organizers of the event have reported the trouble-makers to the police. The police officers, whom upon witnessing this crime did not fulfill their duty and did not accept the report at the scene were also reported for failure of prefectorial provision. On the same day, a complaint was issued to the Police Captain of Debrecen. The organizers have appealed the unlawful order of the local government and after the proceedings will sue the city for damages.


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