Will the State take responsibility for the vaccinations?

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) and Védegylet welcome the announcement of the Ministry of Health. The Government will work out the frames of its responsibility in providing remedy for complications caused by obligatory vaccinations.


Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) and Védegylet (Protect the Future) protest – Ministry steps back

The sections of public health law regulating the State’s obligatory responsibility in providing remedy for complications caused by obligatory vaccinations were repealed as of October 30, 2005.

HCLU and Védegylet protested against the cessation of the State’s responsibility by sending a public letter to the faction leaders of parliamentary parties on October 25, 2005. The two civil organizations pointed out, that parents can face criminal liability in case of refusing to have their childred vaccinated. Therefore, the State that establishes criminal liability for parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated must assume responsibility for the remedy in cases of complications.

The sudden and inadequate termination of the State’s responsibility also increases uncertainties about obligatory vaccinations in general.

HCLU and Védegylet believe the Parliament shall restore the State’s responsibility by putting the former regulations of the Public Health Act back to force.

Dr. Eszter Csernus                                                                            Benedek Jávor

      HCLU                                                                                            Védegylet



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