Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Free Pussy Riot

Watch our movie on Pussy Riot, a Russian punk band whose members face up to three years of imprisonment - and take action now!

Pharma Greed Kills

Activists at the International AIDS Conference disrupt a session sponsored by the pharmaceutical giant, Roche - why did they take action? Watch the HCLU's movie and learn more!

We Can End AIDS - March in Washington DC

Activists marched to the White House demanding greater access to HIV treatment and prevention - we asked them what are the major barriers, watch and share our video!

Handcuffs, body search, service dog

It is not nice to pick endangered flowers, to litter in public spaces, to park in tow-away-zones, to fish without a license or to collect firewood from the forest. The introduction of handcuffs, body search and service dogs is nonetheless an overreaction on behalf of the government. The number of abuses of power may increase due to the recent changes initiated by government and accepted by the Parliament.

Progressive Drug Policies in the Czech Republic

A new report of the OSF and a film of the HCLU shows a positive example on how science could contribute to progressive drug policies

Discrimination Exists

Open letter to Zoltán Kovács, State Secretary of Communications, who in New York, in response to the American Foreign Ministry’s Country Report said ’In our minds, there is no disrimination against the Roma in Hungary.