Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Coca Leaf: The Heritage of the Andes

A short film on the struggle of the Bolivian people for legal coca

The Society on Addictions and the Hungarian Harm Reduction Association Issued a Joint Press Release on the Drug-free Marathon

Experts were taken aback after learning that Pál Schmitt, Chairman of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, has participated in the marathon. Experts are also concerned that public figures, olympic champions, actors and police officers have been mislead. Read their press release to learn more.

The Privacy Advocates: Resisting the Spread of Surveillance

The Central European Universitz Center For Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) and the CEU Department of Public Policy (DPP) invite you to a public lecture entitled "The Privacy Advocates: Resisting the Spread of Surveillance” by Colin Bennett (Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria, British Columbia)

Letter to the Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement

The HCLU has written a letter to Tibor Draskovics, Hungarian Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement, to question why private security services were allowed to check identities and search the clothing of citizens during the March 15th National State Ceremonies.

The HCLU has issued its opinion on the draft of the Act on the Protection of Humangenetic Data

This week, members of Parliament will debate draft no:T/5312, on the protection of humangenetic data and regulations on humangenetic examinations and research. Read on for our opinion.

FTC Support Group Association vs. Hungarian Football Federation 1:0

The FTC SGA initiated proceedings because the HFF rejected its request to access the list of members serving on the Licensor’s Committe. In 2006, the Committee decided on the exclusion of the FTC from the first division. Read on for the details.