Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Co-operation Instead of Hostility

The Doctors for Free and Safe Birth have issued a declaration regarding Home Birth. Read it!

Freedom of Speech vs. Metropolitan Court: 0-1

Yesterday, the Court of Székesfehérvár has returned its first instance decision in the lawsuit against members of the board of the Labour Party. Freedom of Speech lost….Read on for the deatails!

Police, the Faceless Crowd

In the below statement, the HCLU wishes to criticize the Data Protection Ombudsman’s newly issued opinion, that footage of police officers cannot be broadcast by the media without the police officers’ consent.

Letter to the Head of State Regarding the Act on Hate Speech

Today, the HCLU has turned to Dr. László Sólyom, Head of the Republic of Hungary to request that he practice his constitutional right and send the amendment of the Civil Code, the newly passed Act on Hate Speech to the Constitutional Court for an opinion before signing it.

The First Map of Budapest CCTVs Is Available Online

After two and a half years of litigations, the Supreme Court has reached its final verdict. Budapest Police Headquarters is ordered to issue data on the CCTV systems operated by the police in Budapest. Locations, and all information regarding the operational, financial, technical, legal and personnel aspects, as well as informing of the public and monitoring data is now considered public interest data.

WANTED! English/Russian interpreter intern

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU/TASZ) is looking for English/Russian interpreter intern for voluntary internship for a 3-months session.