Credit/Debit Card

Our aim is to have one thousand Investors in Liberty by the end of 2018. Thus the contributions of investors would provide enough to cover 18% of our costs for one year.

We spend the funds provided by our investors on cases our Legal Aid Service is currently acting on; on protecting Liberty. Our Legal Aid Service does the majority of our work: we provide legal consultancy, legal representation and information to citizens in regards to their rights.

The Investors of Liberty are those who create the foundation for HCLU’s work with their regular contributions. You, the investors provide the essential core capital of our independent work.

Cost of our stocks/shares:

  • 20 USD/EUR - Make our attorney available for one hour to protect freedom!
  • 50 USD/EUR - Cover our field worker’s weekly travel cost to support Roma families!
  • 100 USD/EUR - Make our attorney available for a trial in an individual case!
