Dare to Question Prohibition!

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has collected the voices of drug users, scientists and activist from all around the globe. They are sending their messages to the participants of the United Nations meeting on drugs. What would you tell the delegates to do? How would you change global drug policies?
21 videos already up, and we upload one more each day until the meeting!

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has collected the voices of drug users, scientists and activist from all around the globe. They are sending their messages to the participants of the United Nations meeting on drugs.

What is this all about?

The messages:

Message from Harry Resin, a Canadian living in Amsterdam

Message from Daan van Leeuwen from MDHG - Drug Users Union from Amsterdam

Message from Victor dos Santos from MDHG - Drug Users Union from Amsterdam

Message from Paul Wilhelm, owner of the Coffee Shop Dampkring from Amsterdam.

Message from Arild Knutsen from the Association for Humane Drug Policies, Norway.

Message from Berne Stålenkrantz, head of the Swedish Drug Users Union.

Message from Astrid Forschner, a heroin user from Germany.

Message from Dr. Peter Ege, Denmark's most acknowledged drug policy expert.

The Fingertrap and the Pen - A short act by Lennice Werth and Walter Cavalieri
The Global Drug War of our present time is like a fingertrap. Harm reduction, the idea to help people despite their risky behaviour, is like a pen. Watch this little piece and find out why!

Message from Janne Wallin, a Swedish heroin user and methadone patient.

Message from Nanna W. Gotfredsen the Danish "Street Lawyer - Gadejuristen" and harm reduction advocate.

Message from Aleksandr Zelichenko policeman, drug policy expert and PhD. from Kyrgyzstan.

Message from an  Hans van Diujn an ex police officer from the Netherlands, retired president of the Dutch Police Union and present member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)

Message from Prof. Henrik Tham a criminologist professor from Sweden.

Message from Joep Oomen from Belgium. he is a member of ENCOD - European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies.

Message from Dr. Frederik Polak a psychiatrist from the Netherlands. He is famous for his continuing debate with the head of the UN Anti Drug Office.

Message from Lev Babenko from Kyrgyzstan. An ex-user who is now running the only drop in center for drug users in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Message from Sophie Hæstorp Andersen MSc a young politician from Denmark.

Message from Dimitri Mugianis from the USA. A former punk musician, ex user and member of the User Group Vocal New York, who is now advocating for the use of the Ibogaine root in helping people getting over their addiction.

Message from Samuel R. Friedman an HIV researcher and poet from the USA.

Message from Tam Miller representative of the "Chemical Reaction" User Group from Scotland

Message from Roxanne Baker (Rokki) from USA. She is a methadone advocate, an ex heroin user herself.

What would you tell the delegates to do? How would you change global drug policies?
Upload your own message to www.youtube.com/group/daretoquestion! Tell the UN how to change the global drug policies!

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