Declaration of Solidarity for the Sexually Assaulted Young Woman

On the HCLU's initiation, more than 70 public figures and activists have condemned in a collective statement the outlets of doubt over Zsanett E.'s moral integrity and have voiced their solidarity to the victimized young woman. The signees point out, that even today rape victims are successively made responsible for or even blamed for the crime by their environment. The headlines and press releases aimed at discrediting Zsanett E. may strengthen the feeling in sexually assaulted women, that speaking out against their attackers will only lead to more humiliation and indignity.


A few weeks ago, uniformed individuals sexually assaulted Zsanett E. in downtown Budapest. On that same day, Zsanett made a report to the police and had a medical examination. The crime committed against her only came to light because she possesses a stronger than usual fortitude and bravery to stand up for her honour and defend her rights.

The victims of sexual assault frequently bottle up their traumas. The apathetic, humiliating procedures and shame keep them from speaking out. Even today rape victims are successively made responsible for or even blamed for the crime by their environment. The standard guess is that 25-35% of women are sexually assaulted at least once during their lives.

We consider it an irresponsible and foul attitude, that in the past few weeks some of the shapers of public opinion have deliberately doubted the moral integrity of the brave young woman standing up for her truth. Several of these individuals have intemperately defamed her on the concept that the suspects are 'innocent until proven guilty'. The headlines and press releases aimed at discrediting Zsanett E. may strengthen the feeling in sexually assaulted women, that speaking out against their attackers will only lead to further humiliation.

Besides showing our solidarity towards the victim, we call upon the public figures to keep from making statements that condemn the victim.


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