HCLU Film 2010

In 2010 HCLU produced 127 videos. There are 91 foreign language (English or Russian) and 36 Hungarian language videos. Besides drug policy, we produced many interesting films in the fields of HIV/AIDS and human rights, disability rights, freedom of speech and freedom of information, and within the framework of the HCLU's roma program on the issues of roma rights. All our films from 2010 are available from this picture illustrated portfolio.

Click in the middle of the image below for full screen view!

You can download the portfolio here. You can view all the non-hungarian language films and subtitled Hungarian language films on this page, and you can find all the hungarian ones and those that are subtitled to Hungarian, here. The full database of our films and subtitles with streaming and download links in English can be found here, and in Hungarian here.

If you like our films, please share them with others and embed them to your website or blog!


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