Hungarian CSOs contribute to the European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report

For the fifth year in a row, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is contributing to the European Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report in coordination with other Hungarian human rights and anti-corruption CSOs.

This year again, Amnesty International Hungary, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, the Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, K-Monitor, Mertek Media Monitor, Political Capital and Transparency International Hungary teamed up to provide an overarching assessment of the rule of law situation in Hungary.

The compilation of the contributions of the above CSOs to the 2024 Rule of Law Report covers in detail all of the topics included in the annual Rule of Law Reports, namely:

  • the justice system;
  • the anti-corruption framework;
  • media freedom and pluralism;
  • other institutional issues related to the system of checks and balances.

The compilation of the contributions of the nine CSOs above on the rule of law in Hungary is available here:

Contributions of Hungarian CSOs to the European Commission's Rule of Law Report

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