The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union won a freedom of information case against the Republic of Hungary. For the first time, the right to access to state-held information as part of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights has been formally recognized, as reflected in today’s ruling by the European Court of Human Rights. The Strasbourg based Court declared that withholding information needed to participate in public debate on matters of public importance may violate the freedom of expression.
In its judgement, the Court of Justice of the European Union has declared the Data Retention Directive invalid. Based on the Directive, service providers were keeping phone records and other personal data for 6 months. We have decided to undertake the lengthy process of actually eliminating this European law in Hungary.
(LONDON – 8 November 2013) – Today Liberty announced it will represent an international coalition of partner human rights organisations in a new legal claim against the British Intelligence Services over their role in the ongoing privacy scandal.
The journalist of Manager Magazine has won the lawsuit against the Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company (ÁPV Rt.). The establishment has been ordered to release two privatization contracts from the 90’s along with the secret clauses, within 15 days. By reaching this verdict, the Capital Court of Appeal has confirmed the previous, first instance decision of the court, that the documentation (contracts, memorandums) is to be considered public interest data.