The Hungarian Ministry of Development and Economics is ordered to disclose data, which reveal what investments worth 200 billion Hungarian forints – nearly 800 million euros - were carried out by Swedish companies in exchange for the purchase of Gripen fighter-jets by the Hungarian Air Force. The journalist of on-line newspaper, – with legal representation provided by the HCLU - has initiated a Freedom of Information lawsuit in December, 2007, because the Ministry has previously rejected to provide information to the journalist’s FOI request. According to the September 8th ruling of the Regional Court of Appeals, the defendant Ministry acted unlawfully.
The FTC SGA initiated proceedings because the HFF rejected its request to access the list of members serving on the Licensor’s Committe. In 2006, the Committee decided on the exclusion of the FTC from the first division. Read on for the details.
Some municipalities have a unique way of interpreting the constitutional right to form an opinion and the requirements of disclosing public interest data. The city of Rétság serves as an example to this.