President of HCLU Receives Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Award

Balázs Dénes, President of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has received the Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Award from Attila Péterfalvi, Ombudsman (Parlamentarian Commissioner for Human Rights)

With the Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Award, passed out for the first time this year, the enduring work of Balázs Dénes in the fields supervised by Attila Péterfalvi (protection of personal data and access to public-interest data) was honoured.

Upon receiving the award Balázs Dénes stated: 'I didn't receive this award alone. I consider the award recognition towards our efforts in defence of human rights, which the HCLU has been continously striving for in the past 13 years. The medal is the result of the efforts made by past and current HCLU staff.'


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