Read our Corruption Monitoring Reports in English

In September 2020, K-Monitor and the HCLU launched a joint corruption monitoring program with the goal to evaluate the status of state corruption and the efforts made towards the dismantling of the rule of law in a report published every three months.

In Hungary, the dismantlement of the constitutional state and the elevation of corruption to public policy happens simultaneously, in strong correlation with one another, generally under the guise of some mission carried out for the public good. Currently this is the action against the crisis caused by the coronavirus. The aim of the two organizations is, by combining their experiences from their own area of expertise, to shed light on the corrupt processes taking place under the surface of crisis management. Furthermore, to obtain a credible evaluation of these multifaceted measures, renowned experts of different fields will occasionally comment on the report, thus, these evaluations will also be published in the analysis.

The reports are drafted on the basis of a uniform methodology. The first report examines the events of the first phase of the coronavirus pandemic, foremost assessing the results of the special legal order legislation. Our second report followed from the beginning of the second wave of the pandemic how the political and economic preparation for the elections became more pronounced in the government measures besides protection. Our third report reviews the time period between December and February.

First report: March 2020 – August 2020

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Second report: September 2020 – November 2020

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Third report: December 2020 – March 2021

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Fourth report: March 2021 - June 2021

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