Thank you for supporting us!

HCLU has received an amount of 1 315 925 HUF from the 1% of taxpayers paid income tax - according to the Act CXXVI of 1996 On the Use of a Specified Amount of Personal Income Tax in Accordance with the Taxpayer's Instruction that allows taxpayers to allocate a certain percentage of their previous year's paid income tax to beneficiaries entitled to receive such funds.

The amounts coming from taxpayers 1% of their paid income tax is getting higher in the past couple of years. In 2004, after the campaign for the 1%, HCLU received an amount of 1 194 234 HUF.

As usually, this amount is spent on the salaries of lawyers working for HCLU's Legal Aid Service.

HCLU wants to thank for the support!

Please support us with your 1% of your paid income tax in 2007 as well!


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