The HCLU is appaled over the first comments regarding the sexually assaulted young woman.

The HCLU deeply outraged over the first comments the Budapest Police Headquarters (BPH) have made in the case of the five metropolitan police officers who have sexually assaulted a young woman. The spokesman and other authorities of the BPH have, in their statement disputed the credibility of the young woman and have actually threatened the victim with possible legal action against her.

The HCLU brings attention to the fact, that the reason this case ever came to light is due to the victim having a stronger than average ability to vindicate her rights and did not yield to the serious crime committed against her.

In this matter we expect the following from the police:

-to make a public apology to the victim for voicing serious doubt over her credibility
-to make sure the investigation of this serious crime does not run into walls
-to discontinue the routine of protecting the misconceived police honour in case of scandals, with disregard to the seriousness of the crime
-to make sure that members of the police untrue to their profession leave the force



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