We want to save you! And if you don't appreciate it, you will be punished!

Interview with Pye Jacobsson, a Swedish sex worker activist, on the criminalisation of clients of sex workers in her country.

In 1999 the Swedish parliament passed a law that criminalized the clients of sex workers. According to the advocates of the new legislation (mostly radical feminists) all prostitution is violance against women and all clients of prostitutes (“prostitutors”, as they call them) are rapists. This concept of sex work is as stupid and stereotyped as the “all drug use is abuse” dogma. It seems Sweden is especially vulnerable for such oversimplification of otherwise complex social phenomena. HCLU’s video staff interviewed a Swedish sex worker activist, Pye Jacobsson, who debunked the myths about sex work and pointed out the unintended consequences of the new legislation.

For HCLU's program on sexworkers' rights, visit www.swannet.org


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