WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? - Sex Work in Hungary

"If someone works in the bakery, she sells bread. I am a sexworker, I sell my body, but I do not sell my soul." The HCLU produced a short documentary about sex work in Hungary, and about how the Association of Hungarian Sex Workers (SZEXE) tries to help and empower sex workers.

The Association of Hungarian Sex Workers (SZEXE) wishes to serve the interests and needs of sex workers in Hungary and Hungarian sex workers abroad. We foster the equal opportunities and human rights of sex workers since we believe that sex workers are human beings who have the same human rights as any other people. Building on the needs of various sex worker groups and their involvement in programming, we aim at protecting their rights, increasing their access to quality health and social services and lobbying for a more appropriate legal environment free of discrimination and exploitation. At the same time, we attempt to help those sex workers who wish to quit to spend as little time in prostitution as possible and have higher chances to find employment in other fields.

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union produced an advocacy film together with SZEXE, in which they attempt to give an overview of Hungarian sex workers' situation and come up with recommendations for addressing the problems.


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