Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Orbán's Media Empire Unlawfully Given Green Light

An unlawful decision of the Hungarian Competition Authority allowed for the creation of Fidesz's media empire, stated the court.

Make the registering procedure for Orbán’s press conferences public!

The government is working hard to obscure the events and to confuse the public opinion following the banning of several editorial offices - including the staff of, one of the most read online portals - from Orbán’s annual “Orbáninfo” last Thursday. While the fact alone that the Prime Minister is willing to expose himself -once a year - to journalists independent from the government is a rarity, it is decided entirely arbitrarily who may be given this opportunity and who will be denied entry.

Advocate General of the CJEU: Hungarian law that restricts NGO financing from abroad is incompatible with EU law

According to the Court of Justice Advocate General’s opinion, the fact that under the Hungarian 2017 Lex NGO, civil society organisations receiving foreign donations are subject to restrictions violates the right to the protection of private life and the right to freedom of association, and infringes the principle of free movement of capital. This is not justified by the general interest objectives relied on by the government of Hungary. Based on the AG opinion published today, the Court of Justice of the European Union is likely to decide that the Lex NGO is in breach of the EU law.

Last year was another year when more people died due to hospital infections than in car accidents

This year is nearing its end: it’s time to find out how many hospital acquired infections occurred – in 2018. That’s right: it has taken this long to provide last year’s data. The most important question is: what does the new report tell us? Has the situation further deteriorated, or can we finally see improvement?

2nd year preschoolers might have to skip 3rd year and end up in primary school instead

The new regulation, according to which, all children who reach 6 years of age before 31 August 2020 must start school in September, creates surreal situations. What about those 5-year-olds who are attending the 2nd (middle) year of preschool and will be 6 before enrolling in the 3rd and final year of pre-primary education?

All he wanted was a doctor's visit, it turned into years of litigation

Lajos runs his errands on his own, he works, and his family can count on him on a daily basis; still, the state wanted to put him under guardianship. It is derogatory and depressing that a guardianship process can be initiated based on one unsubstantiated hospital note. By initiating a guardianship procedure, social services can subject anyone to litigation for years, provided that one doctor thinks that this person is unable to make responsible decisions about their own life due to a psychiatric disorder. Fortunately, Lajos fought back.