Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

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Use of Force and Social Protest - Protecting Fundamental Rights

Over the past number of years, law enforcement and security forces have increasingly turned to the use of crowd-control weapons (CCWs) to respond to popular protests. Today, the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) and Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) release "Lethal in Disguise: The Health Consequences of Crowd-Control Weapons", a report documenting the health effects of these weapons.

Another year in 'illiberal' Hungary - Annual Report of 2015

Even though 2015 saw the rule of law further undermined in Hungary, HCLU managed to adapt to the changed conditions and achieved some genuine results. In recent years we not only fought against isolated human rights violations, but also against the systematic and high-level dismantling of human rights. Our Annual Report summarizes our professional challenges, successes and most important achievements in 2015.

You can download our annual report here.

The sentencing of the defendants in the attacks against Roma victims is binding

One of the most serious crime-series ever committed in the history of Hungarian criminology and forensics started on the 21st July 2008 in village called Galgagyörk in Pest County.

INCLO members condemn the curtailing of civil society space in Russia and the shutdown of Agora

The undersigned organizations—members of the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO), who are deeply committed to supporting civil society space—condemn the shutdown of one of INCLO’s member organizations, the Agora Human Rights Association in Russia.

Judicial Warrants Are Required for Government Surveillance

The Strasbourg court's decision in a case from Hungary declares once and for all that uncontrolled government surveillance is incompatible with European human rights standards.