Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Sándor Fábry vs. Péter György: freedom of expression won!

The case of the showman versus the aesthete has come to an end. HCLU has represented the Péter György, the aesthete and the right to expression.

Drugs yes, smoking no!

The petition made by Baltay Levente, advocat of HCLU's Legal Advocacy Service, against the Forensic Institute (IMEI) was found reasonable 1/3-2/3 by the Metropolitan Court, on the first instance.

They threaten and that‘s all

The police dissolved the prosecution related to the Internet Jewish DataBase service ran by Matula Magazin. The investigation of the Jewish database based on pure guessing started three months ago against one of the editors of the journal, accusing him with misuse of specific personal information.

International civil society denounce UN meeting on AIDS as a failure

Civil society groups from around the world denounced the final UN Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, released after marathon negotiations during the UN High Level meeting on AIDS this week.

Conference at Central European University

14th Annual Conference on 'The Individual vs. the State' at Central European University, Budapest May 12-13, 2006

New Act on Lobbying

The Lobby Act adopted by the Hungarian Parliament the 23rd of February (by simple majority of MPs present) contains several discriminatory regulations towards civil non-profit organisations. The Parliament ignored the protest of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and another twenty-one civil organisations against the draft Lobby Act. The bill of the lobbying activity was accepted without any amendments relating to the participation of non-profit civil organisations in lobbying activity.