Harm Reduction: Revolutions

Debate on harm reduction at the UN high level meeting on drugs - is it really a storm in the teacup?

Drug-free World: Reloaded

Watch our video with the sleeping delegates of a UN meeting dreaming about a drug free world

Questioning Costa’s Answer

Costa vs. Polak -
where is the discussion paper?
Guess the riddle!

Protest Against the Global Drug War - 11.03.2009

Watch the video filmed at our demonstration & press conference in Vienna

Dare to Question Prohibition!

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has collected the voices of drug users, scientists and activist from all around the globe. They are sending their messages to the participants of the United Nations meeting on drugs. What would you tell the delegates to do? How would you change global drug policies?
21 videos already up, and we upload one more each day until the meeting!

Smoking without Borders

An HCLU film about drug tourism in the Netherlands: is it really only the problem of the Dutch?

Why Russia Says No To Methadone?

Watch our video and find the answer(s)!

The True Meaning of Harm Reduction

Competing definitions of harm reduction - Watch our video!

War on Drugs - the new Jim Crow?

Wide-spread, massive incarceration of drug offenders in the U.S.

Student Drug Testing

Does random drug testing of students reduce drug use?

Abstinence first?

NGO criticisms on the idea that abstinence is the absolute priority

A Drug Free World - Could We Do It?

The pursuit of a drug free world - a noble goal or a dangerous utopia?