Recently, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (hereinafter: HCLU) has represented multiple media outlets in GDPR based civil and administrative procedures in which the right to data protection was invoked to repress the freedom of press.
The speaker of the House violated the freedom of the press when banning journalists from the Hungarian Parliament building, ruled the European Court of Human Rights today. The six applicant journalists were represented by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union.
Our answers to the most important questions regarding the current epidemiological situation in Hungary can be found here.
The government is working hard to obscure the events and to confuse the public opinion following the banning of several editorial offices - including the staff of, one of the most read online portals - from Orbán’s annual “Orbáninfo” last Thursday. While the fact alone that the Prime Minister is willing to expose himself -once a year - to journalists independent from the government is a rarity, it is decided entirely arbitrarily who may be given this opportunity and who will be denied entry.
A gyülekezéshez való jog alapvető emberi jog. A gyülekezések során bárki másokkal közösen kinyilváníthatja véleményét, történjen az köz- vagy magánterületen. A véleménynyilvánítás történhet némán, beszéddel, énekkel, maszkban, álldogálva, vagy menetben is. A TASZ tekintet nélkül mondanivalójára minden, gyülekezési jogával élni akaró polgárnak jogsegélyt nyújt, forródrótunkon ügyvédeink éjjel-nappal elérhetőek.
On 23 October 2013 rapper László Pityinger, known as Dopeman, was a speaker at a political demonstration arranged by political group Szolidaritás. During the demonstration the audience symbolically toppled and cut off the head of a statue representing the prime minister of Hungary. The rapper kicked the detached head which resulted in a criminal investigation. Dopeman will be represented by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) during the procedure.
The HCLU recaps the concerns about the Act CIV of 2010 on Freedom of the Press and on the Basic Rules Relating to Media Content
The Hungarian Parliament approved the draft bill on the so-called media-constitution, with the official title: Act CIV of 2010 on Freedom of the Press and on the Basic Rules Relating to Media Content, which was passed in November 2010 and entered into force on 1st January 2011.