Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

'Semi-Consolidated Democracy': Freedom House Downgrades Hungary

Freedom House published this year's evaluation examining post-socialist countries on Tuesday. The report, Nations in Transit 2015, reclassifies Hungary from the category "Consolidated Democracies" to "Semi-Consolidated Democracies." The Washington-based international watchdog organization examined 29 countries (in Central Europe, the Balkans and the member states of the former Soviet Union) during last year. In the report, Hungary ranked 8th among 29 countries, finishing behind Slovakia and ahead of Bulgaria.


Hungary Set to Erect Border Fence to Ward Off Refugees

The Hungarian government will erect a 175-kilometer-long fence along its southern border with Serbia in an effort to prevent refugees from entering Hungary. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union claims the fence represents an inhuman and unacceptable action that is not legitimized by international precedents. It is inhuman because the fence would stop everyone trying to cross the border, including refugees fleeing in fear for their lives and security. According to the organization's Facebook page, it is the utmost cruelty to physically prevent anyone from fleeing to safety.More:

The never ending data retention

Regarding the history of the case it is important to note that in April 2014 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) declared invalid the Data Retention Directive that unified the time frame of the retention of selective data by Internet and telephone services and determined the accessibility of data by authorities in the member states. According to the decision, the directive had exceeded the limits of proportionality concerning the right to privacy and protection of personal data, as it failed to establish guarantees that counterweigh such limitations. Despite the annulment of the directive, the Hungarian act allowing data retention still remained in force. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) started litigation against Telenor in order to force the Hungarian Constitutional Court (CC) to repeal the unlawful act.

Severe Human Rights Violations Against Roma in Miskolc, Hungary

In March 2014, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Legal Defense Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities notified Hungary's ombudsman, the commissioner for fundamental rights, about the local police department's control of people living in the segregated areas of Miskolc. The ombudsman's report has revealed severe violations of fundamental rights, especially against Roma people living in deep poverty. HCLU has promised to take further action should Miskolc officials not comply with the recommendations proposed by the ombudsman.More:

Will Hungary's Constitutional Court Repeal the Data Retention Law?

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has filed a complaint against Internet and mobile service provider Telenor in an attempt to have the Constitutional Court annul an unlawful act that allows for the retention of telephone and Internet traffic data (concerning the identity of the calling party, the length of call, frequency of communication, etc.) for 6 months. Such data retention constitutes a severe breach of the fundamental rights to privacy and the protection of personal data.More:

Churches Deprived of Liberty Await Compensation from the Hungarian Government

The Hungarian government has failed to reach a satisfactory agreement on compensation with nine disenfranchised churches, leaving the matter to the European Court of Human Rights to decide.