Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Hungary's Weak New Anti-Corruption Program

The Hungarian government has devised a new anti-corruption program, which, as opposed to reducing corruption, in fact increases the government's power. Compared with earlier plans, reforms concerning the financing of parties and the protection of whistleblowers have been excluded from the program, which also fails to deal with the asset declarations of MPs. The civil and the business sectors, in turn, are facing stricter regulations in the future.More:

A New Campaign for Child-Friendly Healthcare in Hungary

A new initiative in Hungary seeks to guarantee the right of children to have their parents stay with them in hospitals, as guaranteed under a 1998 healthcare act that has yet to be fully implemented.

Gay Dating Site Gets Legal Help From Hungarian NGO

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is representing the gay dating site in proceedings before the Equal Treatment Authority. The site was going to place ads on buses managed by the Budapest Transport Company (BKV), but was denied by the company responsible for BKV's advertisements, claiming that advertising regulations prohibit ads that threaten the moral development of children and minors. HCLU says this interpretation is totally missing the point of the concerned paragraph of Hungary's advertisement law, and the denial constitutes an infringement of equal treatment rights.More:

Hungarian NGO Launches Freedom of Education Program

The Hungarian public education system has fundamentally changed due to the 2011 adoption of the Act on National Public Education and other related legislation. Considering the severe infringements of children's rights and the curtailing of the autonomy of teachers and institutions, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has decided to extend its legal defense activities to this field as well. In the framework of its Freedom of Education Program, the NGO provides legal advice and representation free of charge.More:

Citizens’ groups from around the world call on EC to defend privacy

The institutions of the European Union are completing a reform of Europe’s Data Protection framework. Recognising the huge significance of the reform, the European Commission made an unequivocal promise when it launched the process. As an “absolute red line”, the level of protection of individuals’ data would not fall below existing levels. However, leaks show that this promise is not being kept. Sixty-six NGOs from the European Union, North, Central and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia have joined forces to ask for a confirmation from European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that the promise will be respected.

“We write this letter with one simple question – will you take responsibility for ensuring that the Commission's legal and political promise will be kept?”

International coalition to support the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

The HCLU as a member of International Civil Liberties Organisations (INCLO) endorses the statement of the Canadian human rights NGO against the new Anti-Terror Act.