Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Hungary is under review by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Hungary ratified the UN Convention on the rights of the child in 1993. For the third time - after 1998 and then 2006 - the Committee reviews Hungary's compliance with the Convention. A coalition of NGOs - including the HCLU - has reported to the Committee.

Why doesn't the Prime Minister speak up?

A human rights crisis has emerged in the Ukraine. One after another, the institutions and Member States of the European Union have spoken up against violence and in the defence of democracy but the leaders of the Hungarian administration keep deep silence. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has sent a letter to Viktor Orbán calling him as the responsible head of the Hungarian Government to stand up against the authoritarianism and violence from the part of the state in the neighbouring Ukraine and to offer mediation services to facilitate a peaceful resolution of the crisis as soon as possible.

We have started monitoring the elections

Now that the election date has been set, we will start to feel the menacing deficiencies of the new election procedures. HCLU has started its election monitoring work, during which it is going to document if and how these procedures, which are going to be applied for the first time in 2014, harm our constitutional rights. In the coming months we are going to examine if the data, which draws an objective picture of the different election phases, supports our suspicion that the new regulations violate participation rights in practice.

Newsletter Launch: Global Developments in Religious Freedom and Equal Treatment

The HCLU is pleased to announce the launch of a new quarterly newsletter: Global Developments in Religious Freedom and Equal Treatment. This newsletter, prepared by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO), focuses on significant international developments, including cases and legislation, concerning religious freedom, equal treatment, and the intersection of the two.

HCLU successfully called the National Election Office to make electoral fraud more difficult

In response to our call, the National Election Office (NVI) has initiated an important amendment to the electoral procedure, thereby restricting opportunities for electoral fraud. The government amended the relevant decree. HCLU welcomes the modification, as it results in the increased transparency of the elections and an increased level of protection for the right to vote. However, we hold that further modifications are necessary to prevent fraud.

HCLU warns to stop EU investments in institutions in Hungary

Central Eastern European Countries – including Hungary – are obligated to close their segregating institutions for people with disabilities. Despite the fact that the European Union finances the reform, most of the countries spend the funds exactly in the opposite manner: enlarging and renovating the existing institutions.