Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Journalist Wins Defamation Lawsuit

Lajos Gubcsi, former Director of Zrínyi Media Ltd. – a background institution of the Ministry of National Defense – initiated a defamation lawsuit against József Spirk, journalist of, the leading online news provider in Hungary. The HCLU’s Legal Aid Service provided legal representation. The court ruled that facts written in the article were well-founded and as a result ruled in favor of the journalist. The ruling is final.

Joint position paper put forward by NGOs on the Hungarian Media Law and its Application

Hungarian Europe Society, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Eötvös Károly Public Policy Institute, Standard (Mérték) Media Monitor put forward a joint position paper to the High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism created by the European Commission on the Hungarian Media Law and its Application.

Fixerum - Mobile Injection Room in Copenhagen

Do you want to know how you can prevent overdose deaths and infections among drug users in your country? Watch the new movie of the HCLU and learn from the Danish!

Hungarian Government Unable to Defend Its Own Decisions – Human Rights NGOs sent an alternative answer to Viviane Reding, European Commission Vice-President

The Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and the HCLU sent an alternative answer to Viviane Reding, European Commission Vice-President, Commissioner in charge of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, with a detailed answer to the questions asked of the Hungarian Government. NGOs state that the government's answers to the serious concerns regarding the independence of the judiciary system and abolition of the Data Protection Commissioner do not prove the government's dedication to democracy and from a professional point of view, its answers are unjustifiable.

Legal Regulation of Cannabis in Copenhagen

The City Council of Copenhagen voted for legalizing marijuana. Watch the new movie of the HCLU and find out why!

Partner, not a target group

The video introduction of HCLU's 'Roma Program not only for Romas'