Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

If there’s money, the baby will be born – if there’s no money, the baby won’t be born

While childbirth at home is accepted and legally regulated in most developed countries – In Hungary, the entire obstetrician-gynecologist profession is against childbirth outside of the institutional maternity ward. Why is this?

Government to Abolish Regulation on Lobbying – the Anti-corruption Institutions are About to Weaken

The draft Bill on Social Participation will repeal the now operative law on lobbying. This proposed measure would lead to an increase in oppurtunities for corruption by curtailing the transparency of public decision-making.

Police Brutality Investigated

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, within the context of its Roma Program, is providing legal assistance to a woman and her child, who were manhandled by the police and have issued a formal complaint, as well as the man who rushed to their assistance. The Miskolc Detective District Attorney has ordered an investigation on the suspicion of violent misuse of authority.

Garbage trucks do not enter Gypsy settlement

It is a common occurrence in Borsod county in Hungary, that where the Gypsy settlements begin, paved roads end. There is no running water or sewage system, and the local government does not provide waste removal services.Such areas are treated as if they were not public places, as though the communal and civil service obligations of the local governments stopped at the borders of the Gypsy settlements.

INPUD - International Network of People who Use Drugs

This movie is about a global network that aims to challenge the dogma that drug users are worthless

Broken Promises Kill - Fully Fund the Global Fund

Watch this latest short film by HCLU, and support activists from all over the world in the campaign to fully fund the Global Fund.