Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Letter to Neelie Kroes, European Digital Agenda Commissioner

The HCLU wrote a letter to Neelie Kroes to express our grave concern about the amendment proposed to the Hungarian Press and Media Act and the Media Services and Mass Media Act by the Hungarian government which it has been said is supported by Commissioner Kroes.

Civil Society Appeals for Consultation on EU Roma Strategy Development

On the 15th of February 2011, a group of European and Hungarian Romani and non-Romani organisations sent a letter to the Hungarian government, currently holding the EU presidency, and the European Commission, appealing for open consultation with NGOs on EU Roma policy related initiatives.

HCLU Film 2010

In 2010 HCLU produced 127 videos. There are 91 foreign language (English or Russian) and 36 Hungarian language videos. Besides drug policy, we produced many interesting films in the fields of HIV/AIDS and human rights, disability rights, freedom of speech and freedom of information, and within the framework of the HCLU's roma program on the issues of roma rights. All our films from 2010 are available from this picture illustrated portfolio.

Census of 2011 and data protection

The census is an event of utmost importance for Hungarian society due to its significance for long-term planning of social policies. However, the census is also an event which deeply affects the constitutional right of data protection. As everyone will be counted in October 2011, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union drew up some critical observations from the perspective of data protection.

"Ministry of National Resources pays no heed to the written and the unwritten rules of social consultation"

Declaration by non-governmental and scientific organizations relating to the open debate on European Union tenders for deinstitutionalization

Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch: Global drugs policy in 2010

Watch the full length presentation by the head of OSI's Global Drug Policy Program, that was recorded at the "Urban Drug Policies in the Globalized World" Conference in Prague, 30th September 2010.