Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Drug Lords Celebrate the Drug War at the UN!

The Drug Lords International came to Vienna to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs

Drug Lords Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Global Prohibition

Drug lords say no to drug policy reform and thank the UN for keeping drugs illegal

Hospital Birth for Home? – Opinion of Seven Civil Society Organizations on the Latest Version of the Law on Home Birth

Seven civil society organizations, including HCLU, submitted an opinion on the latest version of the government decree regulating home births prepared by the Ministry of National Resources.

HCLU’s Opinion on the Bill on Nullity

The bill submitted by István Balsai Member of the Parliament would like to achieve the rehabilitation of those convicted based on evidence given by the police following the protests of 2006.

The case of Vértesi Power Plant: the Contracts of the State Enterprise in Liquidation are Public

In pursuance of the decision of the Municipal Court of Tatabánya, the indirectly state-owned Vértesi Power Plant Co. is obliged to hand over its contracts with System Consulting Co. from 2008, the documents of the internal inquisition carried out in the case of privatization and power trading of System Consulting Co., substantiating the damage suits and criminal accusation of Vértesi Power Plant in the spring of 2009, and the figures in connection with the costs of the internal inquisition to Tamás Bodoky, journalist, represented by HCLU.

Budapest Pride March to the Parliament Given Green Light

The Metropolitan Court granted the appeal of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and overruled the prohibiting decision of the police. Thus the participants of the Budapest Pride can march from Heroes’ Square to Kossuth Square in 2011.