Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Information Note on the Hungarian Media Laws

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) and the ARTICLE 19 Global Campaign For Free Expression prepared together an Information Note on the Hungarian Media Laws that enterted into force in January 2011.

Draft law on data protection and freedom of information

The draft law – currently before the Parliament – on Data Protection and Freedom of Information will replace the independent Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner with an administrative authority. This change will seriously diminish the level of privacy protection and weaken the right to access to information in Hungary.

A show parliamentary committee ”investigates” the events in Gyöngyöspata

The 2/3 majority Hungarian Parliament, with a resolution published on June 7, set up an ad hoc parliamentary committee to investigate the events in Gyöngyöspata. Despite the fact that based on the title and preamble of the resolution, the task of the committee is to investigate the background of criminal activity by uniformed personnel and to assist in eliminating it, out of the nine tasks listed by the resolution five (!) are concerned with the evacuation of the Roma by the Red Cross and the role of Richard Field. The resolution – recalling the documents of the staged trials of the 1950s – is prejudiced when, among others, it states: “establishing who and why claimed untruthfully with regard to the long-existing activities of the Red Cross that the evacuation of the Romas from the scene was taking place, what was the reason and objective for this causing of panic”.

Love is what transforms

The HCLU's video interview with Sonja Sohn - the actress who played Kima Greggs in The Wire

Orwell’s Nightmare: Illegal Police Audio Recordings

The video circulating on the internet which depicts the fight in Gyöngyöspata last week between local Romas and paramilitary group members deserves attention not only because of the evident racial issue. After viewing the leaked video from the CCTV, it is clear that the police, besides recording video images, are also recording audio without legal authorization. The HCLU is turning to the Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information to investigate the matter.

It's Time for Drug Policy Reform in Poland!

After 10 years of zero-tolerance, the Polish Parliament has decided to reform the drug law - watch our movie and learn more!