Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

68 videos for the Human Rights and HIV/AIDS Now More than Ever Campaign

The campaign calls for the endorsement of the Human Rights and HIV/AIDS: Now More Than Ever joint statement on the website

Clean Needles Save Lives - Needle Exchange in the US

Needle exchange programs in the US - watch our movie to learn how harm reduction protects communities from death and disease!

HCLU wins FOI lawsuit at Supreme Court (Centrum parking company)

After more than a year and a series of court hearings, Hungarian parking company Centrum is ordered by the Supreme Court to disclose its incomes, ending the lengthy legal battle between the parking company and Lát-Kép Association, a Hungarian NGO represented by the HCLU.

Loss for secretive political parties at court – Win for transparency of political party funding

Parties of the Parliament have been ordered to disclose how much credit has been given to them by the state. They also have to make public which real estate properties have been acquired for their operations.

HCLU Films Portfolio 2009

HCLU presents the results of its video advocacy work in 2009, in a new report published today.

Help reform policies for the people with intellectual disability! Plan with us!

The Budapest Institute and the HCLU joined forces in preparing a proposal on the reform of issues concerning the people with intellectual disability. Even though there are still 15.000 people with intellectual disability and 8.000 people with mental disorders living in total institutions, Hungarian social policy did not even begin to work out action plans needed for the reform.