Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

HCLU and ERRC have contacted the ombudsman regarding evictions

HCLU (Hungarian Civil Liberties Union) and ERRC (European Roma Rights Center) have called into account Máté Szabó, Parliamentary Commissioner of Civil Rights in Hungary, with a corporate submission in order to conduct an investigation, and gain an explanation as to why people living in abject poverty are being evicted from local governments’ tenements- the equivalent of making them homeless. Specialists of HCLU Roma Programme, doing fieldwork in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplém county (Hungary), have received numerous annunciations from Roma families who had been evicted or were on the verge of being evicted by the local governments.

Rights Here, Right Now!

Human Rights is in the focus of the XVIII International AIDS Conference, to be held in Vienna on the 18-23 of July 2010. In this short film experts and activist from around the world explain why it is important for human rights to get attention.

Human Rights and HIV/AIDS: Now More Than Ever

HIV Experts and activist from all around the world explain why human rights are so important in the fight against the HIV epidemic.

Россия, метадон и международное право / Russia, Methadone and the International Law

Венгерский Союз Гражданских Свобод (HCLU) представляет полные версии трёх презентаций международных и российских экспертов в сфере правового анализа недоступности метадона в России, представленных на Московской конференции по вопросам ВИЧ/СПИДа в 2009 году. / The HCLU presents three uncut presentations from the 2009 Moscow AIDS conference by international and Russian experts on the legal analysis of the unavailability of methadone in Russia.

Russia and Methadone: Breaking the Ice

Russia is under strong international pressure to introduce opiate substitution treatment - watch our video and take action!

Government agrees to back mega-project in Hungary despite concerns about transparency - Anti-corruption NGOs have turned to Joaquín Almunia

Some of Hungary's major anti-corruption NGOs have turned to EU Competition Commissioner Joaquín Almunia. The NGOs are concerned about a giant project financed with state aid and therefore urged the Prime Minister to immediately suspend the 'murky' 130 mn EUR investment, financed by an EU fund and the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB). Gordon Bajnai, Prime Minister of Hungary finally ordered the Ministry of National Development and Economy to make the feasibility study of the project public.