Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Stijn Goossens - What is INPUD?

Stijn is the head of the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD), more info:

Intellectuals Against the Hungarian Guard

Upon the initiation of the HCLU, more than 150 intellectuals have signed the declaration against the anti-roma marches of the Hungarian Guard. We believe, that through their fear-evoking, hate-raising and possibly violent actions, the Hungarian Guard have crossed a line. Therefore, the HCLU welcomes the legal actions of the Capitol High Prosecutor’s Office, by which they plan to take steps against this extreme group.

Capital Court of Appeals Verdict: the protection of public authority institution’s reputation cannot restrict the freedom of pol

Today, the Capital Court of Appeals has reached its verdict in the 2nd degree proceedings of the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement vs. Viktor Orbán. Read on for the details!

The Supreme Court has dismissed the HCLU vs. Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement lawsuit

Today, the Supreme Court reached its verdict in a second instance decision. The decision was to dismiss the lawsuit. You can find the details by clicking on!

December 1st Is World AIDS Day

For the occassion, 25 leading AIDS organizations are calling for changes in the global fight against AIDS. A joint Declaration, listing 10 reasons why human rights needs to be placed in the center of the global struggle against AIDS has been issued. Click on for the Declaration!

Freedom of Information Prevails

The HCLU has won the lawsuit against the Government Control Office. The Office must make its reports public. Click away for more!