Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Report of the Corporate Europe Observatory – Elementary EU Lobbying

Only a few know that EU laws are edited and finalized by thousands of so-called „responsible”, unknown expert groups, advisory committees and work groups. Even those who continuously follow up on the EU legislation process don’t really know what goes on behind the scenes. All this is a good example of the secrecy surrounding these groups, especially their members.

No Substantive Ruling in the Amnesty International vs. National Police Headquarters Lawsuit

On July 13th, 2007 the Metropolitan Court returned its verdict in the Amnesty International (AI) vs. National Police Headquarters (NPH) lawsuit. The HCLU has taken on the legal representation of AI during the proceedings.

Following Atrocities at the Budapest Gay Pride Parade, the HCLU and Numerous Civil Organizations Have Signed a Joint Declaration

On the initiation of the Háttér Support Society for LGBGS (Hungarian gay and lesbian rights organization), a number of civil organizations have signed a declaration about the events that took place on July 7th, 2007 during the Budapest Gay Pride Parade. Read the declaration!

Police Investigate the Rubber Bullet Case

"Upon the request of the Budapest Investigation Authority - following the HCLU's press conference yesterday - the head of the National Police Headquarters (NPH) initiated an investigation by the NPH's Traffic Control Department in order to determine whether the use of the controversial firearms and rubber bullets was legal. According to available information and with reference to norms, use of these tools was legal" - notifies the police on their webpage (

Position of the Association of Hungarian Content Providers (AHCP) Regarding Statements Made On-air on TV2 with Regard to the Sex

On the morning of June 8th, 2007, journalist Henrik Havas proved not only to be uninformed, unaware and incomprehensive, but was also preposterous, discourteous and prejudiced.

Invitation to HCLU Press Conference

The HCLU will hold a press conference on findings of police practices during September and October 23rd, 2006