Performance on International Freedom of Information Day

On Sepetember 28th, International Freedom of Information Day is celebrated in 40 countries worldwide. This year, it is celebrated in Hungary for the first time, organized by the HCLU during the Week of Civil Awareness.

On this occassion, TÁP Theatre will exhibit a street performance about the enrichment of politicians.

The HCLU will publish an informational booklet titled ’Freedom of Information Basics’on how journalists and citizens can effectively access public interest data. The HCLU belives it is important for more and more individuals to practice their constitutional right to access public interest data. This is the means to establish a transparent state and governance, this is the basis for our right to review, freedom to critcize and freedom of opinion.

Location of the Performance:
The Fountain at Blaha Lujza Square
Date and time of the Performance:
3:00 pm. on Friday, September 28th, 2007


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