Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

President of HCLU Receives Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Award

Balázs Dénes, President of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has received the Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Award from Attila Péterfalvi, Ombudsman (Parlamentarian Commissioner for Human Rights)

Metropolitan Court Returns Decision on HCLU vs. National Police Headquarters (ORFK); The HCLU Plans to Appeal

Today, the HCLU has claimed partial victory in the lawsuit against the ORFK. The court has ordered the ORFK to make public such orders and practices which are of public interest. The HCLU will appeal the decision. Read the premise and the verdict!

Declaration of Solidarity for the Sexually Assaulted Young Woman

On the HCLU's initiation, more than 70 public figures and activists have condemned in a collective statement the outlets of doubt over Zsanett E.'s moral integrity and have voiced their solidarity to the victimized young woman. The signees point out, that even today rape victims are successively made responsible for or even blamed for the crime by their environment. The headlines and press releases aimed at discrediting Zsanett E. may strengthen the feeling in sexually assaulted women, that speaking out against their attackers will only lead to more humiliation and indignity.

The HCLU and the Hemp Seed Association have initiated proceedings in the matter of the thwart during the Million Marijuana March

On May 13th, 2007 five demonstrations, national legalization rallies organized by the Hemp Seed Association were held in Hungary as part of the International Million Marijuana March event-series.

The HCLU is appaled over the first comments regarding the sexually assaulted young woman.

The HCLU deeply outraged over the first comments the Budapest Police Headquarters (BPH) have made in the case of the five metropolitan police officers who have sexually assaulted a young woman. The spokesman and other authorities of the BPH have, in their statement disputed the credibility of the young woman and have actually threatened the victim with possible legal action against her.

Possibility for Effective Civil Control of the Police

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) has welcomed the proposed bill on amendments of the Act on Police which, if accepted could establish the Independent Police Complaint Body (Body). If formed, the Body could play an important role in the strengthening of civic control of the police, but human rights organizations warn: it is absolutely necessary that the Body consists of such persons whom, due to their expertise and independence from law enforcement organizations guarantee the effective functioning of the complaint-mechanism.