Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

The Court Has Again Ruled in Favor of Making Public the Paks Damage-recovery Data

In the repeated first instance proceedings, the Metropolitan Court has ruled in favor of the Energy Club (green NGO) and has obligated the Nuclear Safety Directorate of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (OAH) to make public the application submitted by Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. to OAH for damage-recovery. The almost 2 year long legal battle is not yet over, since the defendant will probably appeal the decision. The Energy Club was represented by HCLU attorney, András Schiffer.

The Hungarian Constitutional Court annuled the restrictive order of the General Assembly of Budapest on the right of assembly

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court, which abrogated the disposition modified on the 26th October 2006 of the decree 59/1995.

Risky Substances and Dangerous Drug Policies - What is Freedom of Information Good For?

A letter from Health Minister, Dr. Lajos Molnár, has been made public. In it, he asks that the Pschyciatric and Neurological Professional Board revoke its previous opinion and issue a new, quality report.

The HCLU Is Dismayed at the FIDESZ-fraction's Cordon-removal Action

The HCLU human rights organization would like to call attention to the fact, that even though the current situation at Kossuth square is undoubtedly due to the cynical, unlawful and unacceptable attitude of the police, in a democratic state there is no place for unlawful action even if authorities are believed to be behaving in an unlawful way. is holding a conference in Budapest- publicity of farm subsidies in focus

The European Union spends 43.5 billion Euros yearly on farm subsidies, which is 40% of the budget. From this amount 100 Euros per year could be alluded to each European Union citizen. Would you like to know who receives this money?

Out of turn in legal acts according to data of public interest

HCLU, Védegylet and Energia Klub has written a letter to Mr. Zoltán Lomnici, Chairman of Supreme Court, we disapproved slowness the judicial proceedings according to the failure of Paks Nuclear Power Plant’s block nr. 2.