Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news


At the age of 75 the writer, Istvan Eörsi died after a long and serious illness.

The Ministry of Interior fails the Second Test with its proposed Law on Security Guards

The Ministry of Interior can claim the doubtful glory of submitting the same bill – with a seven-year lag – that the Constitutional Court has again rendered as anti-constitutional for the lack of data protection measures and for ignoring rights to privacy. Let’s face it, this is not without precedent but a lot need to be done to follow this act. As a reward for this extraordinary performance we have presented the Ministry and the presidents of the two Parliamentary committees in question with ornately bound constitutions.

Camera Park

HCLU is very concerned about the camera system planned to be installed in Városliget. HCLU is calling for your help in standing up against the unreasonable intrusion into the private life of the park’s visitors.

The nominations for the Big Brother Award have begun!

Is your boss monitoring your phone calls? An agency of public administration is longing for your fingerprints? Or a genius in charge has an idea to merge different large databases? Do not hesitate; nominate them for the Big Brother Award!

Abortion Pill – What Are We Talking About?

In her article in „Magyar Hírlap”, Eszter Csernus expresses her views about misbelieves around the abortion by pill.

Report on the court process regarding the data related to Nuclear Power Plant’s Damage Control Measures

The court proceeding at the Metropolitan Court continues between Energy Club and the National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate (OAH-NBI). Press was present in great numbers, unfortunately no decision was made yet.