Location: Central European University, 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9.
Conference Program
14th Annual Conference on 'The Individual vs. the State' at Central European University, Budapest May 12-13, 2006
The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) denounces the unlawful NGO Act, even in its final version. According to the watchdog organization, the bill should not have been adopted at all, as it violates fundamental rights. The organization believes that the most effective way of acting against the unlawful provisions is not to abide the law the. They underline that, given their economic management is already fully transparent, this would not violate anyone’s rights or the demand of transparency.
If you thought the simple consumption of a joint couldn't land you in front of a judge, you were wrong. Domonkos's story is a case in point.
The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union has approached the authors of the UN report on the freedom of association and the situation of legal defense agencies regarding the Hungarian government's control of civil society, which breaches both national and international law. In its letter, HCLU asks the addressees to use all available means in order to stop the violation of Hungarian civil organizations' rights.