Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Whistleblower Protection in Central and Eastern Europe

K-Monitor Association and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union organized a project on Legal Regulation of Public Interest Disclosures in Post-Soviet Democracies. The two Hungarian NGOs created a virtual conference on whistleblowing protection with an interactive discussion surface in English as well as an online content in form of this website. For the implementation of the “virtual conference”, K-Monitor and HCLU also invited NGOs working in the field of anti-corruption from Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, Moldova and Hungary to take part in the project.

The Statement of HCLU Regarding the New Amendment Proposals Presented in Relation to the Media Law

HCLU continues to maintain its position that the Bill regarding the fundamental rules of press freedom and media content is conceptually misguided, and therefore we ask for its removal from the Competent.

You may read our position here (in Hungarian).

'I would like to send Viktor Orbán a message'

Wife and husband cannot find employment. It is very difficult to send three children to school on only a family allowance and welfare. They are moving, because they feel they have no opportunities in Borsod (county in Hungary.)

Abuse in the Name of Treatment - Drug Detention Centers in Asia

In Asia hundreds of thousands of drug users are detained under inhumane circumstances in compulsory rehabilitation centers. Now HCLU, along with international organizations such as UNAIDS or UNODC, is calling for the closure of these camps.

Take Home Naloxone - The Right to Survive Overdoses

Watch HCLU's new video on Naloxone prescription, the best way to fight opiate overdoses.

Bill Clinton calls for harm reduction

A short video from the AIDS 2010 conference in which Bill Clinton, former president if the USA speaks out for harm reduction