Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Anya Sarang on HIV, Drug Policy and Harm Reduction

Full speech of Anya Sarang in which she criticizes Russia's drug policy at the International AIDS Conference

HCLU protests against the proposed new media legislation

The new media-press regulation plan is unfounded, and fails to meet established European freedom of press standards. Moreover, the so-called “media package” sponsored by two right-wing MPs from the governing party (Antal Rogán, András Cser-Palkovics), contains bills with several unconstitutional clauses. The bills would bring about significant changes to the functioning of printed press, television, radio and part of the internet as well. The HCLU disapproves of the process by which the new parliamentary majority has gone about building a completely new regulation plan without any previous consultation, open debate with stakeholders, experts or journalists. This is foolhardy at best, since the bills represent an attempt at a far-reaching overhaul in media regulation.

Assessing the First Wave of Legislation by Hungary's New Parliament

Three NGOs, the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, the Eötvös Károly Institute and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee have reviewed and commented on the way the Fidesz-KDNP Government has performed its legislative work so far, and consequently submit their criticism below.

10 reasons why human rights should occupy the center of the global AIDS response

A Short film exclusively produced for the Human Rights Rally in Vienna at the AIDS 2010. This video was shown before the Annie Lennox preformance.

Get a penalty for doing your job!

Budai Gyula is a public employee in Ózd (town in Hungary). His job is to keep the recycling bins in order. He received a penalty for 10.000 HUF for scavenging, while he was doing his job. He acted correctly by not acknowledging his supposed offence by his signature. If he had done so, he could not argue against the decision. Do not sign anything if you have not committed what you’re being charged for!

'We don't want welfare, but jobs'

There is no bad work, the important thing is to have a job. This is what a young man from Hétes settlement talks about, in our video.