Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Final judgement of Capital Court in favor of Freedom of Information

The HCLU was contacted by a representative of Zöld Rádió Kht. (Green Radio) after failing to gain access to data on ad hoc winning tenders from the Radio and Television Commission. Previously, the Court in its first instance decison has ordered the Broadcasting Fund to issue the requested documentation, but since the defendant was not present at the reading of the verdict, the ruling did not come into effect.

Sam Sullivan: Drug Addiction as a Management Issue

Sum Sullivan, Mayor of Vancouver speaks about drug addiction as a management issue at the DPA Conference, New Orleans.

Information Freedom wins in Gripen-case

Following today’s first instance decision of the Capital Court, the Ministry of Economy and Transport is ordered to make public their list of fulfilments approved until 11.09.2008 by the Offset Committee with regard to the Gripen fighter-jets. The Court emphasized, that since public funds - which are of public interest - are involved, the fact that contracting partners are citing business secrets is, by itsself not enough to withhold the information from the public.

Invitation to Court: Journalist vs. Capital Municipality

Bence Gáspár Tamás, journalist of requested access to data on investments related to Metro Line 4, including data on direct and indirect effects on employment and information on environmental effects.

Invitation to Court: Journalist vs. Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company

Nóra Somlyódi, journalist of Magyar Narancs has initiated a lawsuit against the Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company for denying access to public interest data on the Experimental Economic Holding Company of Herceghalom.

Cops say legalize drugs! Part 2.

HCLU's movie on the veterans of the war on drugs - the speakers of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) - PART 2.