Freedom of Information

FTC Support Group Association vs. Hungarian Football Federation 1:0

The FTC SGA initiated proceedings because the HFF rejected its request to access the list of members serving on the Licensor’s Committe. In 2006, the Committee decided on the exclusion of the FTC from the first division. Read on for the details.

Handlers of Public Interest Data are not to Practice "Goodwill"

Some municipalities have a unique way of interpreting the constitutional right to form an opinion and the requirements of disclosing public interest data. The city of Rétság serves as an example to this.

Final judgement of Capital Court in favor of Freedom of Information

The HCLU was contacted by a representative of Zöld Rádió Kht. (Green Radio) after failing to gain access to data on ad hoc winning tenders from the Radio and Television Commission. Previously, the Court in its first instance decison has ordered the Broadcasting Fund to issue the requested documentation, but since the defendant was not present at the reading of the verdict, the ruling did not come into effect.

Information Freedom wins in Gripen-case

Following today’s first instance decision of the Capital Court, the Ministry of Economy and Transport is ordered to make public their list of fulfilments approved until 11.09.2008 by the Offset Committee with regard to the Gripen fighter-jets. The Court emphasized, that since public funds - which are of public interest - are involved, the fact that contracting partners are citing business secrets is, by itsself not enough to withhold the information from the public.

Invitation to Court: Journalist vs. Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company

Nóra Somlyódi, journalist of Magyar Narancs has initiated a lawsuit against the Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company for denying access to public interest data on the Experimental Economic Holding Company of Herceghalom.

Invitation to Court: Journalist vs. Capital Municipality

Bence Gáspár Tamás, journalist of requested access to data on investments related to Metro Line 4, including data on direct and indirect effects on employment and information on environmental effects.

Once again the public is left out of the preparatory process of the Draft of the Act on Classified Information

The HCLU has offered its opinion on the Draft of the Act and has prepared a top ten list of its most serious short-comings. The wording of the most recent, August issue of the Draft falls below the standards acceptable from a classifying system in a democratic society.

The Supreme Court has dismissed the HCLU vs. Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement lawsuit

Today, the Supreme Court reached its verdict in a second instance decision. The decision was to dismiss the lawsuit. You can find the details by clicking on!

Freedom of Information Prevails

The HCLU has won the lawsuit against the Government Control Office. The Office must make its reports public. Click away for more!

Press Release: The Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company Ordered to Release Secret Privatization Clauses

The journalist of Manager Magazine has won the lawsuit against the Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company (ÁPV Rt.). The establishment has been ordered to release two privatization contracts from the 90’s along with the secret clauses, within 15 days. By reaching this verdict, the Capital Court of Appeal has confirmed the previous, first instance decision of the court, that the documentation (contracts, memorandums) is to be considered public interest data.

Performance on International Freedom of Information Day

On Sepetember 28th, International Freedom of Information Day is celebrated in 40 countries worldwide. This year, it is celebrated in Hungary for the first time, organized by the HCLU during the Week of Civil Awareness.

Secret Microsoft-Ministry Contracts Worth Billions

In the summer of 2006, the HCLU turned to the Ministry of Economy and Transportation and the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement requesting public interest data on the billions worth of contracts between the ministries and Microsoft.